Kimberly Ross is the Senior Paralegal for Zinzow Law. Kim was born to German and Irish American Parents in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She lived in Colorado and Maryland before her family settled in Northwest Tampa Bay where she currently lives with her immediate family and is surrounded by many members of her extended family. Her most treasured times in life are the times spent on the family farm in Pennsylvania. It’s here that she enjoys a bit of the simpler life, and where she was taught what it really means to live a self-sufficient lifestyle. It is on the family farm that Kim learned the value of hard work, family and loyalty. It was also on the farm that she gained a special appreciation for the American Farmer, and the Patriots who came before her to build our great nation. Her diverse background and values are at the heart of all she does, whether it is competing in partial marathons, volunteering to help our veterans and active duty soldiers, working on the farm, or working at Zinzow Law, Kim tackles every undertaking with enthusiasm, fortitude and compassion.